

There are times you need to record one off payments, such as a payment of bank interest or purchases from petty cash.

Bank Payments

  1. Click Bank accounts.
  2. Select the account to make the payment from
  3. Click Bank payment.
  4. a) Bank * – check you have selected the correct bank account or select the account you require. TAB
  5. b) Date * – enter the date of the transaction. TAB
  6. c) Ref – you can enter a reference if required eg cheque number or petty cash voucher. TAB
  7. d) Ex. Ref – you can enter an additional reference if required or leave blank. TAB
  8. e) N/C * – Enter the relevant Nominal Code. TAB
  9. f) Department * – enter the relevant department or just click across. TAB
  10. g) Project Ref – select the relevant Project if required. TAB
  11. h) Cost Code* – select the relevant cost code if required. TAB
  12. i) Details – enter some details about the transactions. TAB
  13. j) Net – enter the net amount, if you do not know the net amount you can enter the gross amount and click Calculate net (F9). TAB
  14. k) T/C* – select the correct VAT code. TAB
  15. l) Tax – check that the VAT has been calculated correctly, if not amend as required. TAB
  16. m) Gross – this is calculated automatically and you can just use it to check the amount is correct.
  17. You can either click Save or carry on with the next line.

Memo if a transaction is made up of more than one item eg you have been to the supermarket and purchased tea and coffee together with A4 paper you might want to split these items to sundries and stationery, just split the transaction over two lines using the same date and reference but different nominal codes, amounts and tax codes, just make sure that the Gross total at the bottom agrees to the total of the receipt when you have finished.

If you would like help entering one off payments or need any other help with your Sage Accounts please contact us


Calculating SSP

By Law you are required to pay statutory sick pay (SSP) to all employees who are ill and qualify for sick pay.  Sage 50 Payroll contains the most up-to-date legislation and makes it easy to process sick pay by calculating SSP values for you.

Set up the employee’s qualifying day pattern

The first think you need to do is setup the employees qualifying day pattern.

  1. Click Payroll, then Change Process Date.
  2. Enter the required process date, then click OK.
  3. Double-click the employee, then click Absence.
  4. Click S.P. then click the Qualifying Days tab, and entered the required pattern.
  5. Click OK then Save.

Qualifying patterns in Sage 50 Payroll always run from Sunday to Saturday which can’t be changed. Within a qualifying day pattern:

  • N denotes a non-qualifying, or non-working, day
  • Q denotes a qualifying, or working, day

For example, if an employee works Monday to Friday their qualifying day pattern is NQQQQQN.

To ensure that your holidays and absence calculate correctly, you must set up a qualifying day pattern before you enter details on an employee’s absence diary.

Enter the absence details

  1. Select the employee, click Payroll.
  2. Click Enter Payments, click SSP/Parental Leave.
  3. Click and drag to select the date range.
  4. Right-click and click SSP, the Due to sickness.
  5. If applicable, enter a comment, then click OK.
  6. Check the absence diary displays the correct characters for the dates you entered.
  • x – Waiting day within the pay period, not yet updated.
  • p – Paid day within a pay period, not yet updated
  • – Non-qualifying day within a pay period, not yet updated. For example, a Saturday or a Sunday if the employee works Monday to Friday.
  1. If the characters are incorrect, you may need to change the qualifying day period.
  2. Check the S.S.P. Payable box displays the correct amount of SSP for the current pay period.
  3. Check the S.S.P. Weeks box displays the correct number of weeks.
  4. If a warning message appears stating that the employee’s earnings average earnings are too low, click OK.
  5. Click Records S.S.P., then click No.
  6. Click Earnings during set period, click OK.
  7. Check the payment information.
  8. The values in table automatically update when you process and update the relevant pay periods and can’t then be amended.
  9. Click OK, then Save, Close.
  10. Click Save.

If you help recording and processing SSP or need any other help or advice with your payroll please contact us on.

Telephone        01691 684011/654545


Email:              [email protected]

We can also provide a remote access service where we can directly link into your computer to help you resolve your Sage Accounts or Payroll problems.


Report Favourites

To save time and effort finding the reports you use on a regular basis you can add then to your Favourites then run then quickly from your Favourites folder.

Set up Favourites

1. Click Payroll, then click pre-update Reports or Reports.
2. Browse to the required reports folder, then click the favourite button for the relevant report.
The report is now added to your favourites.

Run a report from the Favourites menu

1. Click Favourites, then click Pre-update Reports or Post-Update Reports.
2. Choose the report you want to print, view or email etc.
3. If required, enter any criteria details, then click OK.
4. Click Close.
5. Click Print, then click OK.

Remove a report from the Favourites menu

1. Click Payroll, then click Pre-update Reports or Reports.
2. Browse the Favourites folder, then click the favourite button for the relevant report.

If you need help adding or removing reports from your favourites folder or cannot find the report you need or need any other help or advice with your payroll please contact us on.

We can also provide a remote access service where we can directly link into your computer to help you resolve your Sage Accounts or Payroll problems.


Transfer Money between bank accounts

Sometimes you need to transfer money between bank accounts, or to draw cash or to pay off a credit card. To record this, you can use the Bank Transfer option, which is quick and easy to use.

To Use the Bank Transfer option

1. Click Bank accounts.
2. Click the account you want to move the money from.
3. Click Bank transfer.
4. Complete the boxes as required.
a) From* box will be filled in automatically TAB
b) To* this is the account you are transferring the money to TAB.
c) Date* the transfer is being made TAB.
d) Ref you can enter a reference here if required TAB.
e) Ex.Ref you can enter an extra reference here if required TAB.
f) Details enter any details as required TAB.
g) Payment Amount* enter the amount of the transfer
5. Click Save then click Close.

To edit a bank transfer

If you have made a mistake with a transfer you can edit a transfer if required.

1. Click Transactions
2. Click one line of the transfer journal you want to edit.
3. Click Edit then amend the details as required.
4. Click Save and click Close.

To delete a bank transfer

Some times you might need to delete a bank transfer, for example if you have entered a transfer twice.
1. Click Transactions
2. Click one line of the transfer journal you want to delete.
3. Click Delete, then click Delete again.
4. Click Save and click Close.

We have assumed above you are transferring money between bank accounts of the same currency. If you need to transfer money between bank accounts of a different currency, for example a Stirling (£) account to a Euro (€), you should follow a different process, please contact us for details on how to do this.

If you would like help processing bank transfers or need help correcting any bank transfer or need any other help with your Sage Accounts please contact us



Recurring events and reminders do not appear automatically in the diary each recurring date.  They only appear when the computer date is the same as the recurring event.  In addition, reminders for subsequent recurrences will not appear until the previous instances of the event have been marked as complete.

Edit an existing event or task reminder

  1. From the navigation bar click Calendar.
  2. From the Calendar or Details view, select the event or task that you want to edit then click Edit Reminder.
  3. Enter or edit what information you need to change.
  4. Reminder Description – up to 70 characters.
  5. Date to use – this can be changed.
  6. Due Date – if required edit the date of the event or when task is due to be completed.
  7. Recurrence – You can change the frequency.
  8. Reminder Pop-up Date – if required, enter or amend the date when you want the reminder to appear.
  9. Competed Date – If applicated, mark the event or task as complete, enter a date in this box.
  10. Select which users the reminder should be displayed to – you can change which users see the reminder.
  11. Notes – if required you can add additional notes.
  12. To save you changes to the event or task and return to the calendar click OK.

Deleting an existing exist or task reminder

  1. From the navigation bar click Calendar.
  2. To delete an existing event or task, from the calendar, select the required item then from the Tasks pane, then click Delete Reminder. You cannot delete multiple items simultaneously.
  3. To delete the selected event or task and return to the calendar click Yes.

If you need help amending/deleting reminders or need any other help or advice with your payroll please contact us


Recurring entries

Recurring entries are a great way to save time.  Simply create multiple payments, receipts, Customer or Supplier Payments on Accounts or journals that happen on a regular basis such as direct debits and standing orders.  They can be processed all together each month and you can even set up reminders.

Create a new recurring entry

  1. Click Bank accounts, click Recurring items then click Add.
  2. In the Transaction type drop-down, choose the type of transaction you want, you can create the following transaction types
  • Bank, Cash, Credit Card Payment – BP, CP, VP.
  • Bank, Cash, Credit Card Receipt – BR, CR, VR.
  • Bank, Cash, Credit Card Transfer – JD, JC.
  • Customer Payment on Account – SA.
  • Journal Debit – JD – This must be posted with a balancing JC.
  • Journal Credit – JC – This must be posted with a balancing JD.
  • Supplier Payment on Account – PA.
  1. Enter the transaction details as required into each section. For help with each section you can click F1.
  2. To save the entry. Click OK.

Tip: there is a new Calculate net box at the bottom of the screen now which shows when you are setting up payments or receipts, so if you only have the Gross amount you can enter the amount, in the Net box, click Calculate net and the net will be calculated.

Tip: to set a reminder that Recurring items are due, click Settings, then Company Preferences then Parameters.  Ensure the No Recurring entries at startup check box is clear.  Now when you log into the program if any recurring entries are due a reminder will appear.

Process recurring entries

  1. Click Bank accounts click Recurring items then click Process.
  2. If required you, you can change the Show Due Entries Up To date and amend any transaction dates values and tax codes as required.
  3. Click Post.

Once posted any transaction can be amended, deleted as normal.

Suspending/editing recurring entries

You can amend any item of information except the transaction type, start date, and posting frequency once a recurring entry has started to be processed.

To edit/ suspend a recurring entry

  1. Click Bank accounts then click Recurring items.
  2. Click the recurring entry you want to edit/suspend, then click Edit.
  3. You can edit any piece of information you need to, to suspend a recurring item, select the Suspend Posting? check box.
  4. Click OK then click Close.

If you would like help with setting up, processing, editing or suspending recurring entries or need any other help with your Sage Accounts please contact us

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