
Sage 50cloud Payroll

Processing a Leaver

When an employee leaves your company, you need to provide them with a P45. To do this, after updating their final payment, but before submitting the full payment submission (FPS), you must mark them as a leaver.

Process your employee’s final pay

  1. Click Payroll, then click Change Process Date.
  2. Enter the required pay date, then click OK.
  3. Select the employees you want to pay, then click Enter Payments.
  4. Enter the payment details for any other employees in the pay run as normal.
  5. For the employee who has left, enter their final payment details.
  6. Click the Select this check box if your employee is leaving and this is their final paymentcheck box.
    • When you select this check box, any outstanding payments, such as statutory payments calculate automatically.
  7. If required, check and pay any outstanding amounts due, such as holiday pay then click Close.
  8. Print any of your normal pre-update reports, such as payslips and payment summaries, as usual.
  9. Update records for your employees for the pay period.

Once you’ve printed the reports you need, you must mark the employee as a leaver and print their P45 before you submit your FPS for the period.

Mark your employee as a leaver and print their P45

Caution: Before processing the employee as a leaver, you need to set your process date to the employees leave date.  This ensures that the correct tax code is shown on their P45.

  1. Click Payrollthen click Change Process Date.
  2. Change the Process Date to the employee’s leave date then click OK.
  3. Double-click the required employee.
  4. Click the Employmenttab, then click Leaver.
  5. Click Next, then enter the employee’s leaving date.
  6. On the ‘Select your stationery’ list, click P45 – Plain paper (for eSubmissions).
  7. This report prints onto plain paper. You don’t need P45 stationery.
  8. Click Preview, then check the details on the report.
  9. Click Print, then click OK.
  10. ClickClose then click Finish.
  11. Click Payrollthen click Change Process Date.
  12. Change the Process Date to your current process date,then click

You can now submit your FPS for the pay period. If you’ve already submitted the FPS for the period, you must submit an FPS adjustment.

If you would like help processing a leaver or need any other help or advice with your payroll please contact us


Sage 50cloud Accounts

Problems with missing reports and layouts

If you find that you are missing a report or layout that you previously had there are various steps that you can follow to restore the report or layout.

Standard reports and layouts

You can restore the reports and layouts backup files either from this folder:
C:\Program Data\Sage\Accounts\*your version*\DataRestores
Or you can go onto Sage’s website and download the reports and layouts backup for your version.

Customised reports and layouts

Missing customised reports and layouts can be caused by one of the following:
• The file has been deleted.
• You have moved machines or servers and have restored a data files only backup.
• You have upgraded versions and the report has not transferred over.

Restore your reports and/or layouts only backup

If you have taken a backup that includes reports and/or layouts, your customised reports and documents can be restored.
If your backup also includes data files, these will overwrite your current data, check to see if it also includes attachments and company archives. Make sure you take a current data only backup (you might need to include attachments and company archives) before restoring. You can restore this after you restore your reports and layouts.

1. On the menu bar, click File then click Restore.
2. Click Browse then browse to where you saved your backup that includes the reports and layouts, click Open.
3. Click OK then click Yes.
4. Click OK, enter your login name and password, then click OK.
5. Check to see if the customised report or layout is there that you need.

Note: Once you find your missing report or layout, if the back-up you restored includes data files, attachments or company archives, restore your data, attachments and Company archive backup. This will bring your data back up to date without affecting the re-discovered reports and layouts.

Tip: Once you have restored the missing customised report(s) and/or layout(s), take a reports and layout only backup and label it accordingly, for future reference.

Copy the files into your data directory

If you can locate the customised files, for example on another machine or in the previous versions reports directory, you can restore the document.
1. Open Sage 50cloud Accounts and log into the company you want to save the document to.
2. Double click the customised file, then enter the company login details to access Report Designer.
3. Click File, then click Save As
Report Designer automatically directs to the correct folder.
4. Click Save.

Check Use Data path for reports

If you have a multi-user licence, you can choose whether the company runs its reports from your local directory, or if it uses the data directory to locate the reports. If this has been changed, it can result in reports not being located by your software.
1. Click Settings, then click Company Preferences.
2. Click Reporting
3. Check if Use data path for reports is selected.

Check the layouts folder

Layouts including Invoices, Credit notes, Sales and Purchase Orders and Statements are all stored in the Layouts folder in your data directory.

To access the layouts folder from within your software:
1. Click Invoices and Credits, then click any record.
2. Click Print, then click Layouts.
3. Right-click any layout in the list, then select Show in Explorer.
The layouts folder will then open.
• You should check this folder for the layout you are expecting to see. If it isn’t in here, you must locate it and add it to this folder.
• If you can see the layout in one company and not another, you should copy the file from the first company’s layout folder, then paste into the folder of the second company.
Tip: Letter layouts are stored in the Letters folder. To access this, repeat the above steps using Customers, then selecting Letters.

If you would like help restoring or finding missing reports or layouts or need help customising any reports or layouts etc or need any other help, please contact us

Sage 50cloud Accounts

Delete invoices, credit notes or sales orders or purchase orders

There may be times when you want to delete invoices, credits or sales orders either because they were entered in error or with incorrect details or to clear old information.

CAUTION: as deletions can not be reversed, it is recommended you first take a backup of your data and if you delete a large number of items you also will need to compress your data (see next month)

Delete Sales Invoice/Credit Note, Sales Order

  1. Click Invoice and credits or Sales orders.
  2. Highlight the Invoice/credit or Sales order and click Delete.

Memo – you can highlight more than one invoice/credit or sales order at a time and delete them all together, by just clicking the Delete button.

Deleting Purchase Orders

  1. Click Purchase Orders.
  2. Highlight the Purchase order(s) and click Delete.

If you would like help deleting sales invoices/credit notes, sales orders or purchase orders or  need any other help,  please contact us

Sage 50cloud Payroll

How to process opt out Pension requests

An employee who becomes an active member of a pension scheme under automatic enrolment can only opt out during the opt out period.

The opt out period is one month from either:

  • The date that you send a job holders letter to the employee, or
  • The date that active membership is achieved, whichever is the latest date.

To process the opt out:

  1. Click the Payroll navigation bar then click Pension Assessment.
  2. Select the employees you want to opt out using the check boxes on the left.
  3. Click the employee(s) then click Opt-out/leave.
  4. Complete the following information.
  • Extension period used?  If the opt out request isn’t correct, you can extend the opt out period for up to six weeks to allow the employee time to complete the form correctly.  To do this, select this check box.
  • Refund first month’s contribution of – Only available if the employee has opted out within one month of being enrolled. Only the employee refund will show when processing the opt out.  The total value of the employee and employer refund shows in the main assessment screen and the payslip shows the correct split amount.
  • Refund paid directly by provider – Only available if the employee has opted out within one month of being enrolled. If  the employee’s entitled to a refund which will be processed outside of Sage 50cloud Payroll by the pension provider, select this check box.
  • Attach – To attach the opt out notice, click the paperclip then browse to the opt out file and then click
  • Refund outside of Opt out period – If your pension provider has agreed to refund the employee when they have opted out, outside the one-month window, you will need to process this refund manually through enter payments.
  1. Click Opt-out then click OK.

Depending on the request received data, the Status column in the Pension Assessment shows Opted Out or Cessation

You have now processed the request.  Every three years you must re-enrol certain eligible employees who have opted-out or no longer contribute to a pension.

If you would like help with processing Pension opt-outs or need any other help or advice with your payroll please contact us


Sage 50cloud Accounts

How to Record Corporation Tax

Corporation tax is a tax on the profits of your limited company, paid to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Sage 50cloud Accounts has a specific area for Taxation in its chart of accounts.  You can use this to show your corporation tax as an expense on the profit and loss after the net profit is calculated.

Create Corporation Tax Nominal Codes

Before you begin you need to set up the nominal codes for corporation tax unless they are already in your list of codes.  If you are using Sages default nominal codes, we recommend you use the following:

Nominal                                                            Management

Code               Name                                        report                           Report selection

2110                 Corporation tax Liability              Balance Sheet               Current Liabilities

9001                 Corporation tax                         Profit and Loss              Taxation

  1. Click Nominal codes then click New.
  2. Complete the Nominal Record as follows:

N/C       Enter the nominal code you want to create, for example, 2110.

Name    Enter the name of the account, for example, Corporation tax liability.

  1. Click Save then click Close.

You can now ready to add your new nominal codes to your chart of accounts.

Add corporation tax to your Chart of Accounts

  1. Click Nominal codes then click Chart of accounts.
  2. Select the required chart of accounts then click Edit.
  3. Click the Profit & Loss tab and click Taxation.
  4. Under the Taxation column, enter a description, for example, Corporation Tax.
  5. In the Low and High columns, enter 9001,
  6. Click the Balance Sheet tab and click Current Liabilities.
  7. Check that Nominal code 2110 is within a Current Liability range.
  8. If required, add a range to include 2110.
  9. Click Save then click Close.

Record corporation tax

In this example corporation tax of £2150.00 is to be recorded.

  1. Click Nominal codes then click Journal entry.
  2. Enter a reference and the date for the journal, then enter the relevant details to record the corporation tax. Date the journal the last day of the financial year to which the corporation tax relates.

For example:

N/C       Name                                Details                     T/C       Debit                Credit

9001     Corporation Tax             Corporation Tax             T9        2150.00

2110     Corporation tax liability   Corporation Tax             T9                                2150.00

The balance must equal zero before the journal can be saved.

  1. Click Save then click Close.

Paying the corporation tax

  1. Click Bank accounts then click Bank payment.
  2. Enter the details of your bank payments in the boxes provided. Using our example above, you are paying corporation tax of £2,150.00 to HMRC

Bank    Date                 N/C      Details                                      Net            T/C      Tax

1200     Payment Date   2110    Payment of Corporation Tax       2150.00     T9         0.00

  1. Click Save then click Close.

Corporation tax refunds

If you receive a corporation tax refund, you can record this using a journal entry and a bank receipt.   In this example, a corporation tax refund of £510 is to be recorded.

  1. Click Nominal codes then click Journal entry.
  2. Enter a reference and the date for the journal, then enter the relevant details to record the corporation tax refund. Date the journal the last day of the financial year to which the corporation tax refund relates.

For example:

N/C       Name                                Details                     T/C       Debit                Credit

9001     Corporation Tax             Corporation Tax             T9                                510.00

2110     Corporation tax liability   Corporation Tax             T9        510.00

The balance must equal zero before the journal can be saved.

  1. Click Save then click Close.
  2. Click Bank accounts then click Bank receipts.
  3. Enter the details of your bank receipts in the boxes provided. Using our example above, you are receiving a refund of £510.00 from HMRC.

Bank    Date                 N/C      Details                          Net            T/C      Tax

1200     Receipt Date     2110    Corporation tax refund   510.00        T9        0.00

  1. Click Save then click Close.

If you would like help creating new nominal codes, entering your corporation tax journal and or entering bank payments/receipts or need any other help, please contact us

Sage 50cloud Accounts

How to check for duplicated transactions in your data

To help make sure your accounts are correct, you can use the accounts audit option to quickly check for duplicate transactions.

  1. Click Transactions, then click Accounts audit.
  2. Select the Identify possible duplicated transactions check box then click OK.
  3. Enter the date range you want to check, then click OK.

The accounts audit window displays any possible duplicated transactions.  Transactions appear if they have the same transaction type, details, account, nominal code, date, reference, net and tax amount.

Now that you have identified any duplicated transactions, you can look into them and delete/correct them if needed.

If you would like help running the Identify possible duplicated transactions report and/or deleting/correcting any transactions or need any other help, please contact us

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