

You might need to deduct something from your employee’s wages for example they might want to pay into a Christmas fund.  Deductions are quick and easy to set up to handle this.

To Set up a deduction

  1. Click Company, click Pay Elements.
  2. Click the Deductions tab, then click
  3. Check or enter the following information:

Status   ■ Fixed – If you choose Fixed, you can change the hours and rate in the employee’s record and, change the hours in Enter Payments.

            ■ Global – Only changes to this payment can be made within Pay Elements Settings.

            ■ Variable – You can change the hours and rates within the employee’s record and in Enter Payments.

Description – Enter a description for your payment type, for example Christmas Fund.

Default Hours/No. – You can set a default number of hours here or leave it as zero.

Default Rate – This is only available if the status is Fixed, Global or Variable.  You    can set a default rate here or leave as zero.

  1. In the ‘Deduct this value before calculating’ section, select or clear the check boxes as appropriate>
  2. Select or clear the following check boxes:

Include Value in Minimum/Living Wage calculation – If you don’t want to include the rate for this payment when calculating the national minimum wage (NMW) for employees, clear this check box.

Include Hours/No in Minimum/Living Wage calculation – If you don’t want to include the hours for this payment when calculating the minimum wage for employees, clear this check box.  If the Include Rate in Minimum Wage calculation box is clear, this check box is cleared and is disabled automatically.

Include for Holiday Accrual – To include the payment when calculating holiday fund accrual, select this check box.

Auto Advance – If you want the default value of this payment to be used automatically when advancing pay, select this check box.

Include for Weekly averages – If you don’t want to include this payment when calculating 12- or 13-week averages, clear this check box.

Clear to Date at Year End – If you want to clear the balance of this deduction at year end, select this check box, the value of the deduction is kept for reporting purposes.

Include in Timesheet Entry – If you use Timesheet Entry to pay a group of employees and you don’t want to include this payment, clear this check box.

  1. Click OK, then Click Close

NOTE If an employee is on a salary sacrifice pension, their contribution won’t be reduced by a deduction.  As a workaround you can reduce the employee’s gross pay or enter a negative payment

If you need help setting up a deduction or need any other help or advice with your payroll, please contact us

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